The Value of Thankfulness

Our school vision is supported by our four core Christian values. 

For everyone to experience life in all its fullness and grow to be the best that we can be, we need:



Each term, we focus on a different value.  This term, in our collective worships, we are reflecting on the value of 'Thankfulness'.

Our core bible story, for teaching this value is, Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19).


An activity to try at home:


Making a thank you tree.  Start by drawing a tree or making one from collage materials.  You also need to make a set of leaves.  Your tree will be blank to start with.  Every time you are thankful for something, write or draw it on your leaf and attach to your tree.  The more things you are thankful for the more your tree will grow!


The Value of Thankfulness

Our school vision is supported by our four core Christian values. 

For everyone to experience life in all its fullness and grow to be the best that we can be, we need:



Each term, we focus on a different value.  This term, in our collective worships, we are reflecting on the value of 'Thankfulness'.

Our core bible story, for teaching this value is, Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19).


An activity to try at home:


Making a thank you tree.  Start by drawing a tree or making one from collage materials.  You also need to make a set of leaves.  Your tree will be blank to start with.  Every time you are thankful for something, write or draw it on your leaf and attach to your tree.  The more things you are thankful for the more your tree will grow!


The Value of Thankfulness

Our school vision is supported by our four core Christian values. 

For everyone to experience life in all its fullness and grow to be the best that we can be, we need:



Each term, we focus on a different value.  This term, in our collective worships, we are reflecting on the value of 'Thankfulness'.

Our core bible story, for teaching this value is, Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19).


An activity to try at home:


Making a thank you tree.  Start by drawing a tree or making one from collage materials.  You also need to make a set of leaves.  Your tree will be blank to start with.  Every time you are thankful for something, write or draw it on your leaf and attach to your tree.  The more things you are thankful for the more your tree will grow!